
Pilates is a Mind-Body Exercise that requires core stability, strength and flexibility, attention to muscle control, posture accuracy, and breathing mannerism. Pilates was first invented as a method for fast recovery from performances of dancers. It was
supposed to be a body conditioning exercise that also relieves certain aches and provides flexibility.
Pilates is a form of exercise that counteracts the sprain, posture disruptions, mishaps, and strain we face due to muscular imbalance during our daily activities.
The principle on which pilates is performed is the concentration on each movement, the use of the lower back, abdomen, and different flows of movements in a pattern with precision. Pilates concentrates on the core, toning all the muscles in your body throughout the process.

Benefits of Pilate

The benefits of Pilates are countless, from therapeutic to preventive, pilates has its roots spread far. The focus here is on your balance, core strength, toleration level, mind-to-body communication, and muscle groups. It works by isolating and relaxing your muscles and helping you breathe better.
It straightens your spine, improves your posture, and strengthens your core to make you feel as refreshed as ever. It helps relieve your strained muscles, fixes the misalignments in your pelvic bones, and imbues your body with strength.