TRX Suspension

TRX Suspension is a device used by gymnast experts during their workouts to attain maximum core strength and flexibility. The simple word for this process is called Suspension Training. TRX is an abbreviation standing for TOTAL RESISTANCE EXERCISE. This is a suspension trainer used by gymnasts, trainers, gyms, pro athletes, and all branches of the US Military, to perform balanced workouts to improve core strength and balance.

TRX isn’t something like machine-based training in the gym. Although the concept is quite basic: you use the two straps with your feet or hands to partially suspend your body, then use your own body weight as resistance.

Every movement you perform requires an integration of core, mobility, stability, strength, balance and coordination. TRX is well-known as being beneficial for runners because it corrects imbalances in leg strengths that generally lead to an uneven stride.

Just as you can do with machine-based training, TRX can literally work on every single part of your body, from legs to arms to core, chest, back and glutes. And it became seemingly obvious that just by using the straps for these different workout routines what parts of your body are weaker and what parts need work.

With every exercise on the TRX Suspension Trainer, you’re working your core stability muscles through keeping your balance and posture, while also working on the muscles you’re moving.