
HIIT (High Intensity interval Training)

As the name suggests High-Intensity Interval Training is a challenging workout to push your strength and caliber to the max.
It pushes your body further from your comfort zone.
It is a high-intensity fitness regime, including a powerful cardio session.
HIIT needs great stamina and motivation and is a great alternative to your daily workout, getting the good-feeling endorphins flowing.
It is a good punch of cardio for aspiring beginners, not requiring too much of your financial or material investment. Beginners can start with good cardio of 3-4 intervals and then ramp it up when your body gets used to it. HIIT Workouts can be performed indoors as well as outdoors. A treadmill or stationary bike can do a good job indoors, and a quick jog and run with your dog is perfect for the outdoors.

Is HIIT for people with Medical Condition?

HIIT might sound like a torturous and ripping exercise, but it is extremely easy to perform and is great for people with heart and breathing conditions. HIIT helps boost your energy, causing your heart rate to improve. Nevertheless, it is recommended to perform HIIT exercises at a slow bar with proper consultation with your doctor and your trainer’s undivided attention.
Regardless of the many benefits of HIIT, some people with certain medical conditions should avoid this exercise for the sake of their health. People who are recovering from an injury, someone who is or has just been sick, pregnant and postpartum suffering women, and children below the maturity age are advised to avoid this regime.